Friday, May 30, 2008

Day Off VHS Shoping Spree

Eighteen reasons not to hang out with me for the next few months...and their are hundreds more.  I bought all of these today for between .17 cents and $2.00.  A waste of money but its better than HD tv's and Hummers...I guess.
My Science Project
Boy Who Could Fly
Flight of the Navigator
Real Genius
Project X
Legends of the Fall
The Last of the Mohicans
The American President
The Fugitive 
White Fang
8 Minute Tae Bo Work Out
Mac and Me
Men In Black
Dave Matthews Band: The Videos: 94-01 (has he made one since then)

Wax on Wax off and then back on again.

Just a few updates about Wax and its awesomely weird creator David Blair.  If you Click Here you will be magically wisped away to the world wide wax web where with some skillful navigation you can watch the whole movie.  You can also watch the sweet ass trailer and clips from "The Telepathic Motion Picture of 'THE LOST TRIBES'" which Blair has been working on since he finished WAX.  It says the movie is completed but I have not been able to find it yet.  From what you can watch online this movie looks so good you will shit your pants.     

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wiggity Wiggity Wax...Or the discovery of telivision among the bees

So I often refer to movies that are not documentaries as documentaries. It is worth it to do this all of the time for the few times that people miss the joke and correct you that the film in reference is not a documentary.
Me: "I watched the most amazing documentary last night."
Nathaniel: "I love documentaries! What was it called?"
Me: "The Last Starfighter."
Nate: "Oh, I've seen that but its not a documentary."
Me: "No, I'm pretty sure that dude from the trailer park saved the galaxy in the 80's. I mean it seamed pretty real."
Nathan: "Maybe it is based on true events but its not a documentary. I would know. I am a film major."
Me: "Well have you ever seen the documentary Wax or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees?"
Nate: "No."
Me: "HA! Not so smart now are ya Mr. film school."
Anyway, wile this conversation continues until the end of time in the back of my mind I will tell you about this fantastic film I saw. I have to admit that knowing nothing about Wax, and because of its documentarian style, I found myself wondering if true facts were inserted into the movie as a strange twist. I was particularly curious about how else the elaborate genealogy of the characters could have been created.

I will not go into too many gory details of this fabulously rad movie but I assure that even though you are board after about twenty to forty minutes it gets better. If you are anywhere as weird as me you will love the overly complicated plot development and will be glad that you payed attention to the tedious part in the beginning.

Holy fuck I love this movie! I may even call it my favorite movie. I know this sounds dramatic and I will keep you updated if I find another I can say this about but for the time being Wax is it. I mean just watch this-